Friday, April 16, 2010

Cider Update

Conducted a status check on the cider tonight. A is sitting at about 1.010 gravity giving it a ABV of about 7.7%, with a great taste and just a hint of the alcohol in the back of the throat. B is at 1.032 giving it a ABV of 5.1% with a sweeter taste and the alcohol is barely perceptible. This was to be expected as B contained the wine yeast which was to give it a sweeter taste without as much kick.

One more week in the primary and I will switch to the secondary, and then get started on the lemonade with Alex. So far so good. :-)


  1. What do you think about making the flavor (fruit?) additive for the mead, but adding it, repitching yeast (and nutrient), and sticking it in a spare carboy after you move the ciders? (So you'd have all 3 of your jugs full, and we'd probably have to go only 1 gal lemonade and get a stopper so we could do it in the other spare carboy)

  2. NVM, I realized it's a bad idea to add more sugar to flavor and then re-pitch the yeast to consume those re-flavoring sugars.

    What do you think about making sure the SG is settled, then just adding a flavoring syrup/concentrate?

  3. I think that would work. We need to do something to flavor it up. Maybe through some mulling spices in it too.
