Monday, April 12, 2010

Well, how's it taste??

So I checked the cider and mead tonight. The cider is still active, but I am going to be switching that into a secondary as soon my 3rd jug of apple juice has been drank. The A jug appears to be a bit more active as can be expected with the champagne yeast.

The mead.....well let's just say it wasn't the best tasting stuff in the world. The alcohol is definitely there though. The readings indicate it should be about 9% ABV right now. I think that is about right. It has a bit of a fizz to it, but the taste just isn't that great. I am not very good describing taste so I will have to let Alex do that next time he comes over. Maybe he can give a better description. Maybe adding some fruits or spices will help spruce it up and getting it tasting better. Either way I think we are going to be wrapping that one up soon.

Will keep you (if anyone actually reads this) updated as they progress.

1 comment:

  1. What do you think a good flavor would be to compliment what's there? Blueberries seem to be a popular flavoring, but we could also do something like ginger to give a bit of a bite, or maybe try to find a way to do something weird like chocolate (maybe with one bottle or something).

    I took my SG readings of my cider last night and they went from 1.063 down to 1.031, and it was definitely partially carbonated - it'll carb easily if we let it finish and try to bottle.
